Southeastern Oil Review
Jun 28, 1993
S. Lavon Evans, Jr. Operating Co., Inc., Laurel, Miss., has spotted location and awarded contract for a Hosston test on east flank of Pisgah Field in central Mississippi's Rankin County.
Evans will drill No. 1 Unit 23-2-Jim Stripling, NW NE Section 23-7N-4E.
Justiss Oil Co., Jena, La., holds contract for drilling the proposed 10,600-foot test.
About 1000 feet west and slightly north of the new location, California Co. drilled No. 1 Calco et al-W. M. West et al 2, NE NW Section 23-7N,-4E. A Hosston producer, the well flowed 87 barrels oil and one barrel water per day through a 10/64-inch choke with flowing tubing pressure 375 pounds.
The well was later reworked by Waller Bros. of Jackson. Hole was plugged back and perforated opposite Rodessa pay at 9493·97 feet. This zone flowed 240 barrels oil per day through a 19/64-inch choke with flowing tubing pressure 850 pounds and casing pressure 850 pounds.
The original elevation was 386 feet, derrick floor. Top of Wilcox was logged at 1604 feet, Chalk 4545-5669, Lower Tuscaloosa 6983, Paluxy 7992, 1st Rodessa 9371, Sligo 9954 and Hosston 10,169 feet.