Southeastern Oil Review
Aug 25, 1997
S. Lavon Evans, Jr. Operating Co., Inc., Laurel, Miss., plans drilling in an attempt to revive production for Stewart Field in Pearl River County, Miss.
Evans will drill No. 1 Stewart "2:1" in irregular Section 27-1S-17W, on north side of the inactive field.
Par-Co Drilling, Inc., Natchez, Miss. will handle contract for the 9200-feett Lower Tuscaloosa "Otis" sand lest.
Discovered io 1958, Stewart Field produced 193,169 barrels condensate and 16,699,621 MCFG before becoming inactive.
Five-eighths of a mile south and slightly east of the new location, Jett Drilling Co., Inc. and Crosby Mineral Co. drilled No. l Southern Mineral Co., SE SE Section 27-1S- 17W, discovery well .for Stewart Field. Completed from Lower Tuscaloosa perforations 9010-18 feet, the discovery flowed 3,170,000 cubic feet of gas and 54 barrels 53.6-gravity condensate per day through a 12/64- inch choke with flowing tubing pressure 3257 pounds.
Drilled to 9559 feet, casing was run to 9107 feet for completion.
Elevation was 197 feet, derrick floor. Top of Wilcox was logged at 3330 feet, Midway 5945, Chalk 6744-7878, Lower Tuscaloosa 8892, gas sand 901044, Massive sand 9251 and Lower Cretaceous 9454 feet.