Southeastern Oil Review
Jul 9, 2001
S. Lavon Evans, Jr. Operating Co., Inc., Laurel, Miss.; has spudded and is drilling below 3950 feet at a Paleozoic wildcat two and three-quarter miles north and slightly east of Reform in Pickens County, Alabama.
Scheduled for a depth of 5900 feet, the wildcat is No. 1 Carpenter 9- 4, NW NW Section 9-19S-14W. Drillsite is one mile south-southeast of Linebarger Creek Field.
E & D Services, Inc., Laurel, Miss., is handling contract.
At northwest offset to the current test, P & F Exploration, Ltd. and Morrow Oil & Gas Co. drilled No. 1 Doughty 5-16, SE SE Section 6-19S- 14W. It was bottomed at 5815 feet and cased to 5803 feet. Perforations 5730-41 and 5756-60 feet failed to establish commercial production and hole was abandoned in 1986.
Elevation .was 333 feet, kelly bushing. Base Millerella ·lime was logged at 5460 feet, Carter 5496, Bangor 5670, Lewis lime 5690, Lewis sand 6727 and Tuscumbia 5770 feet.
One mile north and slightly west of the current operation, Terra Resources, Inc. completed No. 1